Anna Smith

My name is Anna M Smith and I am a Chartered Accountant (hence the name). I am also the Sole Director of AMSCA Ltd. I have been a Chartered Accountant since 2011 and have worked within Chartered Accountancy firms since 2004.
After I had my first child in 2015, and returned to the workforce, I quickly found that being an employee and having to be in the office 9-5pm, wasn’t going to work for my family, especially given my husband worked shift-work. So I decided to go out on my own. It was a scary decision, but one that allowed me the flexibility my little family needed. After my second child was born in 2017, I was reassured that I had made the right decision for my family.
I have a passion for helping people - I know that accounting isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and this allows me to help out. I can deal with the IRD on your behalf, advise what deductions you are entitled to or simply reassure you that you are on the right track, whatever it is that you need, I can be there.
Being a small firm allows me to really get to know my clients and that’s something I really enjoy. My clients become my friends and with time we become a village.
So if you would like to be a part of the AMSCA village, please get in contact with me, I would love to have a chat.
Anna M Smith